please friends, correct me my article talks about the terrorist acts which dowing by some terrorist groups in paris Exaggerate free can upset balances In the beginning, I want to send all Condolences my to all the The victims' families in France, and I wish God make them patient about was happening, so before wondering about how this action was happened, the most and the biggest important question before anything else, is to wonder about the causes of this action, because any consequences is the results of a lots of causes, which push a lots of people to choice this way in order to reflect either the responsibles as politics and they are the responsible of this disagruntelemnt situation , or society in general, because it steel silent without expressing his position about a lots of phenomenon, such as corruption, joblessness, … In my opinion, I think the problem is very simple, it does not need a big analysts and experts to give us what are the problems which result that, because it is so quite that an exaggerate free can let some people to touch the right of others, because they think expressing free let them to insulter the others who are different to them, but the biggest question is,really insulter someone else, it is kind of opinion’s expressing, can we talk about respecting and democracy in the same time?, or existance one of them needs to left the other? to be continued...
25 de nov. de 2015 10:20