Hello, everyone! I was just wondering if the expression “how are you bearing up?” was universally used in English. To be honest, I’ve only seen it once in a Cambridge textbook and never heard it used by native speakers. Don’t get me wrong, it is a great expression, which is closely related to what we say in Russian, it’s just that I’m worried that it is dated and not so commonly used these days. Thank you in advance!
3 de feb. de 2023 11:11
Respuestas · 21
I have never heard of this! A very common expression that is similar to "How are you bearing up?" is, "How are you holding up?" <3 Nicky
3 de febrero de 2023
It is used a lot here in Britain but perhaps not much by young people.
3 de febrero de 2023
I hear it frequently. It is common.
3 de febrero de 2023
Hello, Ivan! I can't speak to if it's spoken in the UK, but as a native American English speaker, I've also never heard it used aside from in dictionaries. My guess is that it's a British phrasal verb. In the U.S., it would be more common to say any of the following: 1. How are you handling (the situation)? 2. How are you dealing (with the problem/situation)? 3. He are you coping?
3 de febrero de 2023
Yes it is used in The UK.
3 de febrero de 2023
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