Do Milk a English name?I want named milk,can i?
30 de abr. de 2011 10:46
Respuestas · 10
Is milk an English name? No, it's an uncountable noun. You could call yourself Milk, of course - no-one's stopping you. It sounds like a nickname with a funny story behind it. :)
30 de abril de 2011
I don't recommend that you call yourself Milk. Imagine talking with someone and they ask, "What is your name?" You say "Milk" He /she says"What?????" What would you think of a foreigner who introduced his name to you as Milk in Chinese? You'd laugh wouldn't you?
1 de mayo de 2011
Lol, I don't recommend it, unless its only as a nickname. Why do you you wanna be called Milk?
1 de mayo de 2011
Go to www.iwantanenglishname.com They will help you Tell your friends too!
5 de diciembre de 2012
(Surname) He was an awesome activist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Milk
1 de mayo de 2011
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