good VS well His salary is very________. A. good B.well the answer is A, why B is wrong? thanks for helping!
10 de may. de 2011 14:08
Respuestas · 7
good - this word is an adjective that modifies a noun. in the sentence, "his salary is very good" it modifies the noun salary. well - is an adverb that modifies a verb,adjectives and another adverb. adverbs often answers the question "how" i can speak Filipino well. [how do i speak Filipino? - the answer is well.] in this sentence, the adverb well modifies the verb speak
10 de mayo de 2011
good = adjective well = adverb
10 de mayo de 2011
"Good" is an adjective, "well" is an adverb. In this sentence you need an adjective.
10 de mayo de 2011
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