Have you ever squeezed water from a stone?如何翻译?
12 de may. de 2011 8:15
Respuestas · 8
If you're trying to get money from someone who won't give it, then it's like squeezing water from a stone. If you're trying to get anything from someone who refuses to give it, it's the same. It could be a feeling, confession, interest, etc
12 de mayo de 2011
This may be a sanitised version of "You cant get blood from a stone". I don't know the origin of the saying and a (brief) Google search did not reveal the origins either. I could say, finding the origin of this saying is like squeezing blood from a stone.
12 de mayo de 2011
No; I don't work for the tax office.
12 de mayo de 2011
I never try that before.
12 de mayo de 2011
I'm not that thirsty~
17 de mayo de 2011
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