Che significa"moglie e buoi dei paesi tuoi" ? E in quale situazione la si usa?
15 de sep. de 2011 12:12
Respuestas · 5
It's a saying. It means that a man should marry a woman who comes from the same place he comes from. It indicates a kind of distrust of foreigners.
15 de septiembre de 2011
Con questo proverbio si vuole dire che è meglio scegliersi il proprio patner tra le persone che sono dello stesso luogo, che hanno un "background" simile. E' un detto di saggezza popolare riferito al mondo contadino, siccome i buoi erano parte integrante della vita contadina, non si andava a cercare lontano per poter trovare una moglie.
15 de septiembre de 2011
E' un detto italiano. Si usa per indicare diffidenza verso le cose straniere.
15 de septiembre de 2011
Thank you very much, graziano. I didn't know that there is a culture story behind this proverb. It's very interesting, now I understand it better. Thanks again for the explanation!!
6 de abril de 2013
It is a proverb of peasant origin, essentially tells a little bit of that culture. "Women from your own village," comes from the fact that if a man married a woman from another village with a different culture from his, the marriage might have problems. So, too, “the oxen from your own village”: you must know that the oxen were very important to work in the fields, for example, to pull the plow, or even simply to pull the wagon, the oxen were always in pairs (we always talk about a "yoke of oxen" phrase that always shows two oxen) and they had to have agreement between them. So if an ox died and then he had to buy another one, to be sure to make a good purchase, it was necessary, above all, to see it working to understand if it was sufficiently tamed and therefore to assess if it had agreement with the other ox, with one left alive. Because in those days there was no possibility to move easily from one village to another because there were not means of transport, the farmer inevitably, he was forced to buy the ox, in their own village In addition, "women and oxen from your" pronounced in Italian has a "good sound" make a rhyme.
11 de marzo de 2013
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