What's the difference between today and to-day? Thank you!I have come across the word to-day in academic articles several times. I think it's just the same as today but I don't know why the authors do not use today.
13 de ene. de 2012 2:37
Respuestas · 9
Hello! To-day means “in currying time” or “now” and is often used just in academic articles as you have wrote. Good luck!
13 de enero de 2012
There is no difference between them. I believe that to-day is just an older way of spelling today, but nowadays it's always spelt as today :)
13 de enero de 2012
I think to-day might come from British English, but I can't be sure. In American English, we always use today.
13 de enero de 2012
Today is proper form.
13 de enero de 2012
today Is the only word used in English
14 de enero de 2012
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