What the "d" here stands for? for example: you'd.....; they'd.....; he'd.....
17 de feb. de 2012 8:18
Respuestas · 8
The 'd is a short form of "would" or "had".
17 de febrero de 2012
Yes, it's either "would" or "had". You'll know which one it is based on the following verb. "Would" is always followed by the verb in the base form, and "had" (ie. past perfect "had") is always followed by the past participle. You'd ask = you would ask You'd asked = you had asked
17 de febrero de 2012
would or had
17 de febrero de 2012
you would,they would,he would. or you had , they had,he had depends on the sentence
17 de febrero de 2012
Is the contraction of: You would....They would....he would
17 de febrero de 2012
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