Tinc un dubte ajudar-me sisplau .. Could you please tell me thay are the same or not . Vaig comprar . and Jo comprava. I think they mean I bought something ,right? are there any difference between them? . There is another question :Nosaltres mirávem la televisió .Can I say Nosaltres anem a mirar la televisió?or maybe you could tell me the difference in English ,or give me some sentences to explain .moltes grácies! thank you very much!
25 de jun. de 2012 15:58
Respuestas · 6
I'm not Catalan, but IMHO "vaig comprar" means "I bought", and "jo comprava" can mean either: * "I was buying" - Què feies que no agafaves el mòbil? [You wouldn't pick up the phone, what were you doing?] - Comprava. [I was shopping.] * "I used to buy" - De petit, sovint em comprava llibres de novel.les negres. [When I was a kid, I often used to buy mistery novels.] Sorry for the bad examples.
29 de junio de 2012
Hi.... how are you??? I would try to explain these sentences. Jo vaig comprar is the same as I bought and jo comprava, the translation is the same but is another tense.... I explian this very bad!!! In catala the verbs are very difficult. :9 Nosaltres miravem la televisio is in past tense.... and nosaltres anem a mirar la televisio is the same as We are going to watch tv, It is like a future, it isn´t happened yet..... Examples.... This evening I´m going to visit my mother..... and the past tense it would be.... yesterday I visited my mother. I hope you understand a little my words... and don´t worry I will be in touch....
25 de junio de 2012
I think Fabian is right =)
29 de junio de 2012
Hello there! I am also learning catalan, but here is something that might help you with the first part of your question. I think the second part was covered by mselva. "El passat perifràstic" is used for actions that occurred in the past at a point in time. For example: Per Sant Jordi, jo vaig comprar un llibre. "El Pretèrit perfet", on the other hand, is used for actions that occurred in the past and over a period of time. For example: quan era petit, jo comprava moltes llaminadures.
26 de junio de 2012
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