Victor Xie
Can't get the joke 6 - statisticians. It goes like "If you laid all the world's statisticians end-to-end, they would still point in every direction." What does it mean?
19 de mar. de 2013 5:39
Respuestas · 5
Statisticians often reach very different answers after studying the same data. This is what the joke means when it says they "point in every direction."
19 de marzo de 2013
u had better call it a reality. then statisticians would make a joke out of it!
19 de marzo de 2013
I thought that you would like to know this saying: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." That is why we should be very careful before believing the statistics that we often read about in the newspaper.
19 de marzo de 2013
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