Ai Sun 일아이
I want to learn Malay ^^ Please teach me ^^
4 de abr. de 2013 5:14
Respuestas · 15
well ... you can start with this link .... most of my malay comes from this site while the rest is from watching malay movies :p
7 de abril de 2013
I'm a native speaker! been speaking and writing in malay for 21 years. I can help u.. =)
15 de abril de 2013
You want to learn Malay? Really? I am Malay but i cant speak Malay very well.
5 de abril de 2013
i can teach you if you want :D
18 de junio de 2013
i can help you saya boleh tolong apa yang boleh saya bantu? what kind of help you want?
9 de junio de 2013
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