Can "uçurum" be used as an adverb or adjective? According to the dictionary, "uçurum" means a cliff, but I found this usage from a song (belalım) Uçurum uçurum gözlerine baktığım sensin I can totally understand "gözlerine baktığım sensin" You're the one who I look into his/her eyes. What does "uçurum uçurum" mean in this case? Is it an adjective for gözleri? Is it an adverb for baktığım?I found some translations that interpret it as "deeply", as in "you're the one I look deeply into your eyes". Is this correct? Why doesn't the dictionary definition suggest this kind of meaning?
1 de may. de 2013 4:29
Respuestas · 1
Uçurum means cliff but in that song it means deep. You eyes are like a cliff, sharp, deep, or even dangerous.
1 de mayo de 2013
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