does repair games make sense? Her father repaired games and machines and she could use the cassettes and systems in his workshop as often as she liked. repair games, hmmm, it is weird to me, does it make sense?
25 de jun. de 2013 8:28
Respuestas · 6
I think it could be referring to arcade type games: e.g. Then it makes more sense!
25 de junio de 2013
I would agree with Rachel, "games and machines" imply amusement arcade games and machines. Now a days when we hear or see the word GAME we immediately think video games, play station, DS etc. but there was once life before technology:)
25 de junio de 2013
electronic games, i think.
25 de junio de 2013
I would wonder what kind of games. I think of things like pinball machines. Also, what kind of "systems"? Stereo systems? Computer systems?
25 de junio de 2013
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