what does "hill"mean? they are in the hospital, aren't they? "Ill handle everything as quickly as possible," he assured Kellerman and Burkley. They eyed him skeptically and felt vindicated when, in the very next breath, he marched back down the hill. He begged for "a few minutes to check a point of law."
25 de jun. de 2013 9:06
Respuestas · 8
I think it is a typo and should read "down the hall." They were in the hospital and were standing at a nurse's station when they were talking, so I am certain it should be "hall" instead of "hill."
26 de junio de 2013
Hello maylit, a hill is a very small mountain or raised land. From the text you've given here I cannot say whether the characters are in a hospital - the excerpt from the book(?) is too short. Regards, airabeth
25 de junio de 2013
I will answer as soon as I get home...I need to check the book.
25 de junio de 2013
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