Help me, please? I would like to know some adjectives that already include the meaning of 'very' or 'extremely' '. For example, like these: enormous(very large) tiny(very small) brilliant(very bright) crucial(very important) The words I want to replace are below. Are there good ones? You could teach me only ones that occurs to you now. I will appreciate your help. (weight)light (weight)heavy (intelligence)smart beautiful expensive (low price) cheap (with little light)dark
26 de jun. de 2013 1:31
Respuestas · 5
light - insubstantial heavy - smart - brilliant, genius, ingenious (this is similar to "very clever") beautiful - gorgeous expensive - extravagant, exorbitant cheap - dark - pitch-black
26 de junio de 2013
Tremendously heavy, as light as a feather. Exceptionally smart, stunningly beautiful. Extraordinarily expensive. Cheap as chips, depressingly dark. Hope they help!
26 de junio de 2013
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