How do you greet and thank the customer in Korean? I am working in a fast food chain and most of our customers are Koreans and some other foreigners. Since I am assigned in the counter (and sometimes, at the lobby) I want to atleast know the basic sentences or phrases said like "enjoy!" when I give them their orders. Or "please come again!" when bidding farewells. And if you could suggest more, please do. I would appreciate every little details of it. ^^
26 de jun. de 2013 3:28
Respuestas · 1
Welcome: Uh Seo Oh Se Yo. Enjoy: Ma Shi Que Tu Se Yo. Please come again: Ddo Oh Se Yo. I think these will be the easiest greetings for you to say. :) Hope it helps.
26 de junio de 2013
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