¿Cómo decir en inglés que "algo" ha dejado de gustarte? si quiero decir: ese estilo de música dejó de gustarme en seguida. this type of music stopped liking me soon.
26 de jun. de 2013 14:54
Respuestas · 6
I no longer like this style of music. Ya no mass me gusta este estillo de musica. Asi lo puse yo.
26 de junio de 2013
I soon stopped liking this type of music.
26 de junio de 2013
thanks for your correction. I take note!.
9 de diciembre de 2013
I know your question is old and you probably don't even care anymore. But I read the responses and neither of them are exactly correct. It would be very common to hear someone say it like this, "All of a sudden, I just stopped liking that kind of music." That would be the most common and conversational way to translate your sentence into English.
9 de diciembre de 2013
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