what is meaning重点 in this sentence plz? 1—what is meaning重点 in this sentence plz? 2—tell me the meaning of this sentence plz。 所以重点高中是很多人的选择。 1—what are meaning 重点,考上and 名牌?plz 2—tell me the meaning of this sentence plz. 孩子考上重点高中就离名牌大学不远了。
27 de ago. de 2013 7:01
Respuestas · 2
重點高中/名牌高中 means famous and good high school in our opinion. You see 明星高中 Chinese nmore usually.It means that the high school is as popular as a superstar.And you can guess why the high school is really popular, because it's really good!!!
27 de agosto de 2013
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