What means "Tighten Up"? Is from this song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpaPBCBjSVc
24 de feb. de 2014 18:20
Respuestas · 3
tighten up (on sth) means: to become stricter or more carefully
24 de febrero de 2014
Haha funny video. To tighten the reins literally means to pull on the reins when you are riding a horse to make the horse stop or slow down. Here "tighten up your reins" means to start to control something or someone more carefully. Example: She has tightened the reins on her younger sons in an effort to curb their wild behavior before it's too late.
11 de mayo de 2014
What an adorable video until a little more than 2 minutes into it!
25 de febrero de 2014
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