Soo Jin
make it known When you are old, you wont care if your love wasnt returend- only that you made it known how you felt. it means- 네가 나이가 들면, 네 사랑이 되돌아 오지 않아도 너는 신경쓰지 않을거야. But i dont understand- 'only that you made it known how you felt.' It means -' 오직 네가 알게될 것은 네가 어떻게 느끼는지야.' 즉, 너는 그/그녀를 얼마나 사랑하는지를 느끼게 된다는 뜻인가요??
14 de mar. de 2014 8:16
Respuestas · 1
-> I am using Google translate Love here is an emotion. The writer is not talking about a lover -> That translates to 여기에 사랑은 감정이다. 작가는 애인에 대해 얘기하지 않습니다 I believe that the writer is saying that you will remember either the return of love or the rejection of love, rather than the emotion itself.
14 de marzo de 2014
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