Caleb Alvaro
What films, cartoons or series are the best to improve speaking and listenig skills?
14 de mar. de 2014 19:16
Respuestas · 4
For me: Friends That 70's show and Walt Disney's movies I think this is the best way to learn! Regards!
14 de marzo de 2014
Ask yourself, what kind of thing interests you? To me, adventure, war, comedy goes well hand in hand & so i watch movies like sherlock holmes, national treasure, 300, batman series, prince of persia, pirates of carribean series, around the world in 80 days, journey to the centre of earth. hmm...comedy? anyone better than ace ventura or johnny english? No one would tell you your interest, you have to find it yourself ! Well, I also like cartoons, enough now. hehe
15 de marzo de 2014
Watch the original Star Trek
14 de marzo de 2014
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