falling in love.. Why /It seems like Bill is falling in love with Samantha/ but not /It seems like Bill is falling in love IN Samantha//?
15 de mar. de 2014 19:23
Respuestas · 6
Fall in love with ...languages. Specific verbs that specific prepositions.
15 de marzo de 2014
Bill loves Samantha. Samantha loves Bill. Bill falls in love. Samantha falls in love. Bill and Samantha fall in love. Bill falls in love with Samantha. The "with" implies reciprocity, although of course, that is not always the case. Othewise, it's just another vagary of English ; ).
15 de marzo de 2014
"Fall in love" needs more than one person for it to happen. :) Add the other person using "with".
16 de marzo de 2014
ok. tnx a lot
15 de marzo de 2014
Fall in love with somebody, that is the phrase!
15 de marzo de 2014
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