How to say in Cantonese How would you say in Cantonese: "starting to learn cantonese ..... and it's really hard" and: "going to hongkong" Thanks in advance
16 de mar. de 2014 17:27
Respuestas · 6
16 de marzo de 2014
I was actually trying to say going (in the future). I learned that the first answer was "going now". :) I'm just very new. Can't read characters yet ^^" But thanks everyone very much for your help. It is greatly appreciated.
25 de marzo de 2014
hi, do you mean "I am going to Hong Kong now" or "I will be going to Hong Kong in June (in the future)"?
25 de marzo de 2014
(我)开始学广东话 (距)真系好难 I am going to HongKong. (我)将会去香港/去紧香港。
24 de marzo de 2014
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