Ana - Spanish Tutor
Maybe or Perhaps? When is more properly to use one instead of another? Is more formal Perhaps? What's the right way to use them?
16 de mar. de 2014 20:56
Respuestas · 10
They mean the same thing and there is no difference in formality.
16 de marzo de 2014
I personally feel perhaps is better one & more formal. One can be replaced by another one anytime.
17 de marzo de 2014
The meaning of maybe is possibly, perhaps! HA! :) My answer: Maybe can be used as a noun, in phrases like no ifs, buts, or maybes... and perhaps can't. Perhaps is more often used in polite requests like, "Would you perhaps consent to be my Spanish teacher?" But generally - yup - they are the same. :D
21 de marzo de 2014
There is no more difference between the two words than there is between quizás and tal vez. They are essentially the same. I cannot think of a situation where one would be more appropriate over the other.
17 de marzo de 2014
17 de marzo de 2014
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