How can I use the verb "grow"? Are these sentences right? 1. My parents are growing old. 2. The environment in China is growing worse. 3. People grow weaker because of age. 4. The house prices are growing higher and higher.
17 de mar. de 2014 14:35
Respuestas · 5
Are these sentences right? 1. My parents are growing old. -- Yes, correct, natural, idiomatic. 2. The environment in China is growing worse. -- Yes, correct, natural, idiomatic. 3. People grow weaker because of age. --Yes. The use of "grow" is correct. It would sound more natural to say "People grow weaker WITH age." 4. The house prices are growing higher and higher. -- Doesn't sound right to me. It's grammatical, it's understandable, but I would not use "growing." I would use the word "climbing." And "The house prices" isn't right here. These would be correct: House prices are climbing higher and higher. -- OK Housing prices are climbing higher and higher. -- Better, more formal The prices of houses are climbing higher and higher. -- Here's where you could use "The." Prices of house are climbing higher and higher. -- But this is OK, too.
17 de marzo de 2014
17 de marzo de 2014
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