Wu Ting
How would you explain this sentence? “I’m just razzing you. I’d take up with a pinko in two toots, if he was famous and had a wad of tin. That artist’s little girlfriend is one lucky duck.” “The little girlfriend is actually his wife.” “Like I said. But what a piece of calico, all spuzzed up like an Indian. She’s no Garbo. How’d she get lucky?” “He’s fond of the way she dresses. They’re nationalists.” “No soap!” She shook her head. “To me she looks like a corn-eater.” How would you explain this sentence: But what a piece of calico, all spuzzed up like an Indian? Thanks! PS: it’s from The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver.
20 de abr. de 2014 2:48
Respuestas · 2
Calico is an inexpensive fabric that is used for dresses, particularly in farming communities. He's saying that the girlfriend is dressed like a farmer's wife and he's surprised that the artist would choose her. "Spuzzed up" means "dressed up."
20 de abril de 2014
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