Is this sentence correct? I have a question. Is this sentence correct? if not, please correct... "Simply by changing the cutting edges, the cutting tool can be a new condition time and time again." I await your help!!! Regards Tomoya
20 de abr. de 2014 8:09
Respuestas · 7
"Simply by changing the cutting edges, the cutting tool can be in a new condition time and time again." or "Simply by changing the cutting edges, the cutting tool can have a new condition time and time again."
22 de abril de 2014
Ok! I understand! Thank you for your correction!
20 de abril de 2014
Dear Mr. Gavin san. Thank you for your help! Yes this is about a saw blade! So the sentence would be "Simply by changing the cutting edges, the blade can be a new condition time and time again."Or " the blade can be as good as new again.", right?
20 de abril de 2014
Sorry, that last post changed layout after I posted it. "Simply by changing the blades, the cutting tool can be as good as new time and time again."
20 de abril de 2014
"Simply by changing the cutting edges, the cutting tool can be a new condition time and time (blades?) (as good as new) again."
20 de abril de 2014
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