Improving English Speaking skills My Spoken English is so poor. What can I do to improve my English speaking skills? Any help will be appreciated.
20 de abr. de 2014 9:50
Respuestas · 4
I would advise you to watch shows in English and really listen to the pronunciation of words. After that, repeat out loud. Many people are shy to do this but it really works. Also, speak with people in English. That is the best way! Hope that helps :)
20 de abril de 2014
listen from native speakers. and practice any word.you know it
20 de abril de 2014
Watch lots of English language videos, TV series, movies etc. If you are having trouble understanding, put on subtitles in English. Also, talk as much English as you can! Your brain will start to think in English and you will find that you express yourself much more fluently and easily! 加油, 天天向上 :)
20 de abril de 2014
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