Can circle be plural or is this a spelling error? I thought in the sentence below, the correct verb form would be 'remains' not 'remain'. Before we join hands, I want to remind everyone that once we send Callie down the spiral path it is essential that the circle remain unbroken so that we can bring her back. Anyone who breaks the connection will be putting her in grave danger - and will answer to me. Of course 'the circle' is a bunch of people so it could be the same as 'the police' which also uses plural verb forms in English? And 'the circle' is doing some witchcraft seance, to do some kind of magic. It is a fantasy novel.
21 de abr. de 2014 13:40
Respuestas · 6
The correct verb form is "remain"... AND the circle is still singular. ;) You've come across "present simple subjunctive". It turns up much more often than you think. Basically, the verb doesn't change from its base form, even if the subject is singular he/she/it. This form comes after certain verbs plus "that" ("I demand that she apologise!"), and certain phrases, such as "it is essential that". When the verb is in present subjunctive form - ie. unchanged - we understand the action as an idea and not existing in reality. Using "remains" is actually illogical. That would mean trying to use a "real" action when only an unreal action is correct. Here's a neat little mini-tutorial:
21 de abril de 2014
It's not being used as a collective noun. The verb is in the subjunctive mood.
21 de abril de 2014
Ah, Jmat, I am a little disappointed now. Almost every time I find an error in my English grammar, people tell me not to worry about it, since even native speakers do it wrong. Now I was happy I finally found something and you tell me.... ;-) ...But thanks for the information!!! :-)
21 de abril de 2014
The subjunctive mood is largely ignored in casual conversation. You'd likely hear "...that the circle remains..." more often than the technically correct version, and I doubt many native speakers would even find the former incorrect at all. Don't be surprised if you don't hear the subjunctive when it should be used.
21 de abril de 2014
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