Eric Charles
Why does the verb go at the beginning in Quechua sometimes? I read that quechua sentence structure is subject, object, verb. In this sentence which seems to be a command the verb is at the beginning: QHAWARIY hatun sach’akunata, munay t’ikakunata, hatun orqokunatapas. I am having trouble with QHAWARIY, what does the suffix mean?
30 de may. de 2014 22:57
Respuestas · 3
The verb comes at the beginning because it is an imperative form (a command): Hatun sach'akunata qhawanki ("You look at the big trees"), BUT Qhaway hatun sach'akunata ("Look at the big trees!") "-y" is the imperative suffix: Qhaway "Look!" "-ri" makes the command more polite: Qhawariy "Please look!"
5 de junio de 2014
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