How do you say "you're welcome" in reply to "thank you" in japanese?
9 de jul. de 2008 11:33
Respuestas · 5
Dou itashimashite and iie are both right.  By saying どういたしまして, you are accepting that you did something kind for that person. Be careful because this can sometimes sound arrogant. いいえ, is used exactly as Michael said it, "Oh, it was nothing," or, "No problem."
14 de julio de 2008
You don't really say "you're welcome." Instead, いいえ (iie), is used. It has the feeling of "oh it was nothing."
13 de julio de 2008
どう致しまして (Dōitashimashite) = you're welcome / don't mention it
9 de julio de 2008
A) Arigatou Gozaimasu! Respond with... B) Dou Itashimashite! (You are welcome!)
10 de julio de 2008
16 de julio de 2008
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