Liaison in Korean Pleasse, can any native speaker tell me whether the liaison in Korean excludes the ㅇor not. I was told and read in text books that there is no liaison after ㅇ before vowel, but my ear tells that can^t be true. ㅇ어 sounds more or less the same as the Cantonese 我。What do you guys (Native Speakers thatいs) think?
17 de jul. de 2014 0:58
Respuestas · 1
Because there is no initial ng sound in modern Korean language, the textbook said there is no liaison after ㅇ before vowel. But, in ancient Korean language, there was initial ng sound called 옛이응. You can find the trace in 아지(baby) of 강아지,송아지,망아지. 개+아지=>강아지 소+아지=>송아지 말+아지=>망아지 Officially, there is no liaison, but actually there is a liaison of 옛이응.
17 de julio de 2014
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