How are my sentenses? I I'm trying to tell you a little about myself. Here are the small sentences I have constructed. Here are the one's I made and put into a video, would really appreciate pointers on how that went. I sell shoes---------------vendo zapatos I have studied art -----------Estudiado el arte for fun I like to draw and paint ------para la diversión A mí me gusta dibujar y pintar. I am an artist, and have a black cat-------- Soy un artista y tengo una gata negra I am from texas --------- soy de texas I am learning spanish for my personal gain-------- estoy aprendiendo español por ganancia personal My Video---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc5fu9Fgc2U
24 de jul. de 2014 17:58
Respuestas · 5
I have studied art = he estudiado el arte / he estudiado arte (I have took = he tomado) for fun I like to draw and paint = por diversion a mi me gusta dibujar y pintar. I am an artist, and have a black cat = Soy una ('cause your a woman) artista y tengo una gata negra
24 de julio de 2014
Hi Michelle ! - I sell shoes---------------vendo zapatos = OK - I have studied art -----------Estudiado el arte = He estudiado Arte / or = Estudié Arte = No article is used to talk about subjects of study. - for fun I like to draw and paint ------para la diversión A mí me gusta dibujar y pintar. = Para divertirme me gusta pintar y dibujar = this is a construction with a reflexive verb, because the action of the verb falls on the subject who performs it = divertir + ME ( verb + reflexive pronoun ) - I am an artist, and have a black cat-------- Soy un artista y tengo una gata negra = Soy artista y tengo una gata negra = in Spanish you must omit "UNA" when you're talking about your profession, vocation or occupation. - I am from texas --------- soy de texas = OK - I am learning spanish for my personal gain-------- estoy aprendiendo español por ganancia personal = The translation of "personal gain" is correct, but in the context of the sentence it's more correct if you say: " estoy aprendiendo español para beneficio personal " ( personal benefit ) or " estoy aprendiendo español por interés personal " ( personal interest ) I hope that my explanation has been clear, my English isn't very good. The use of reflexive verbs it's a bit complicated, if you need more material about it, please let me know , I can send to you a few files on PDF. Best wishes Sofía.
25 de julio de 2014
Your sentences are very good! i'd like to comment that in English you say "have fun" but in Spanish we have a specific verb that is "Divertirse" so instead of saying "por diversion a mi me gusta dibujar y pintar " You'd sound more natural saying "Para divertirme me gusta dibujar y pintar" we will understand what you mean but it's not correct You should focus on the pronunciation of the letter "R" i'd help you with that, You can send me a Pm if you want me to help you all other sentences are proper written Keep learning Regards! :)
25 de julio de 2014
I sell shoes--------------- Vendo zapatos I have studied art -----------He estudiado el arte for fun I like to draw and paint ------Por diversión a mí me gusta dibujar y pintar. I am an artist, and have a black cat-------- Soy un artista y tengo una gata negra I am from texas --------- Soy de texas I am learning spanish for my personal gain-------- Estoy aprendiendo español para (mi crecimiento personal/superarme como persona) What do you study? Reply:Yo estudio arte. What do you do for fun? Reply: Me gusta dibujar y pintar/Para divertirme me gusta dibujar y pintar. Es difícil explicarte como debes pronunciarlas ya que no hablo Ingles :( Las palabras que debes practicar más son: Dibujar(No dibuar, te falto pronunciar la j, ja se pronunciaría algo parecido a la parte Ha de Have o la de has.) ,Pintar (No pontie, pin se pronunciaría como peen en Ingles ), artista( No artiste, te equivocaste en la última letra, busca como se pronuncia la porque pronunciaste la e en vez de la a), tengo (no taengo, pronuncia más la e y no pronuncies la a, como cuando dices ten(10) 10go), ganancia (no ganacía, pronuncia más duro la silaba nan, gaNANcia) Las otras me parecieron bien :) Siguen así ! PD: Bonito pelo !
24 de julio de 2014
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