"I'm sorry to say that..." / "I'm afraid that" -- 한국말로 뭐예요? What are natural/common phrases for introducing "bad news" in Korean? For example: "I'm afraid that I can't meet you tonight. I have to work late." "I'm sorry to say that I don't like 노래방. I prefer quiet activities."
25 de jul. de 2014 3:18
Respuestas · 1
Just say 미안하지만(or 죄송하지만) "I'm afraid that I can't meet you tonight. I have to work late." - 미안하지만(죄송하지만) 오늘 밤에 못만날 것 같아요. 늦게까지 야근해야 해요. "I'm sorry to say that I don't like 노래방. I prefer quiet activities." - 미안하지만 저는 노래방을 안좋아해요. 조용한게 좋아요.
25 de julio de 2014
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