How to say "better", "the best" or "the most" in in Korean? Hi I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how to say: "better" - for example: "She's a better singer than I am" "the best" - for example: "That was the best meal ever" "the most" - for example: "I like ice cream the most" Rather than simply translating those examples, if you could explain the sentence structures to me so I know how to say "better", "the best" or "the most" in any situation that would be really great. Thank you very much for your help!
27 de jul. de 2014 19:53
Respuestas · 3
'Better' is a irregular comparative form of 'good'. 'Best' is a irregular superlative form of 'good'. I think if I explain it with a regular form, you can easily understand it. We usually use '더' as 'more' and '최' as 'the most' in Korean. But if the superlative is describing a verb, we usually use '가장' as 'the most'. 1. If you want to use 'better' in Korean, you can say '더 좋은' which means 'more good'. "그녀는 나보다 더 좋은 가수이다 = She is a better singer than I am." "그는 나보다 더 빠른 선수이다 = He is a faster athlete than I am." 2. If you want to use 'the best' or 'the most', you can use '최고' or '최상'. We usually use '최고'. "그는 최고의 가수이다. = He is the best singer." "그는 최고의 축구선수이다. = He is the best soccer player." 3. In the following sentence, I thought 'the most' is describing the verb 'like'. In that case, we usually use '가장' or '제일' in Korean. "I like ice cream the most' = 나는 아이스크림을 가장(제일) 좋아한다. I like the music the most = 나는 그 음악을 가장(제일) 좋아한다. I like him the most = 나는 그를 제일(가장) 좋아한다 I'm not a professional Korean teacher. But I hope this help you.
28 de julio de 2014
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