Leela Jumani
Como dizer isso em Hindi? Chinese food offers health benefits that we never considered. It depends on person to person to what is repulsive to them. Recently, people discovered a monstrous fish in the lake. People instantaneously secrete bodily fluids when they die. I don't like most of my cousins, since they always play politics with us whenever they get the chance.
29 de jul. de 2014 21:40
Respuestas · 1
I don't like most of my cousins, since they always play politics with us whenever they get the chance. मैं मेरे ज़्यादातर cousins (In Hindi we have different words for each cousin ,so it's difficult to translate )को पसन्द नहीं करती क्योंकि उनको जब भी मौक़ा मिलता है वे हमेशा हमारे साथ राजनीति खेलते हैं ।
30 de julio de 2014
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