Hi everyone! Could you recommed to me some easy books in English to start reading? I´ve tried with The Count of Montecristo but it has many difficult vocabulary and it isn´t a pleasant reading.
16 de sep. de 2014 1:42
Respuestas · 5
Hi Andy, Have you tried graded or easy readers? You might like to start with one of these and work up to original copies. You should be able to search by level, author or genre. Reading in your new language can be very difficult, especially if you have to keep checking the dictionary, but try to work the words out from context and don't give up :)
8 de octubre de 2015
Thank you for your suggestions! I love books too but I´m accostumed to read in Spanish; so when I´m reading in English I have to stop almost every parragraph in order to look for the meaning of a word in the dictionary. That´s why I was looking for easy books, I´m trying "The Grives" and I´m doing well by now.
26 de septiembre de 2014
I think that Harry Potter series is a great idea. I'm going to library to pick up the first book.
16 de septiembre de 2014
Here are books in many languages. You can even read English and Spanish side by side.
16 de septiembre de 2014
I love books! What kinds of books do you like to read? They may be meant for youth, but I would recommend the Harry Potter series. If you're not interested in that series, you could try reading "The Giver" or "Holes." They are both written for a younger audience as well, but I think they'd be great for practicing English. There are lots of great books out there!
16 de septiembre de 2014
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