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What's the english word for "отпроситься"? For example I have a full-time job but tomorrow I need to leave my job earlier so I need to ask my boss the permission to do it. What's the english word for this? Beg off?? Thanks for your answers!!!
18 de sep. de 2014 19:49
Respuestas · 4
I'm afraid that 'Beg off' doesn't mean anything at all, even though Google translate suggests it. The Russian to English function on Google translate often comes up with nonsense - don't trust it! There isn't a specific phrase for this situation. You'd simply say that you're asking your boss for an hour off tomorrow, or asking him/her for time off.
18 de septiembre de 2014
"Can I take off early tomorrow?"
18 de septiembre de 2014
ask for a leave
19 de septiembre de 2014
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