How to say this in Korean? During winter break, my 홈스테이 took me on a 6 hour drive to their 방틀집 on the mountains. It was an interesting and relaxing experience.
21 de sep. de 2014 16:27
Respuestas · 2
Hi 기린, First of all, I just translated your full sentence in English so that you can see how I understood your sentence. Your sentence: During winter break, my homestay family took me on a 6 hour drive to their log house on the mountains. It was an interesting and relaxing experience. In Korean: 겨울방학에 홈스테이 가족분들이 차로 6시간 거리에 있는 어떤 산에 있는 그분들 오두막집으로 데려가 줬어요. 흥미롭고 편안한 경험이었어요. Hope it helps.
22 de septiembre de 2014
겨울휴가 기간 동안에, 내 홈스테이 가족이 6시간 동안 운전해서 산에 있는 통나무집에 데려다 주었다. 흥미있고 몸이 편안해지는 경험이었다. 방틀집 is a wrong word. Use 귀틀집 or 통나무집. 귀틀집 is less used than 통나무집.
22 de septiembre de 2014
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