due to this In informal letters what can I use to mean the same as : due to this ? is it correct ot say " for that? Eg I bought it for Lucy, because she said it was nice We had a great performance, for that my teacher called a tv company to record it Thank you
22 de sep. de 2014 15:30
Respuestas · 2
I bought it for Lucy, because she said it was nice ---- This is ok. We had a great performance, for that my teacher called a tv company to record it. ---- The phrase 'for that' doesn't make sense, I'm afraid. I'd connect the two parts of the sentence with 'which is why'. Or, more informally, a dash - followed by 'that's why'.
22 de septiembre de 2014
You could just say "so". "We had a great performance, so my teacher called....." Technically 'for that' is correct it just sounds a little weird.
22 de septiembre de 2014
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