박희섭(Heesob Park)
What does "тархи толгойгоо" mean? I saw a sentence. Ганц энэ асуудлыг би ойлгох гэж тархи толгойгоо эргэтэл бодов. What does "тархи толгойгоо" mean? What is the meaning of the whole sentence?
27 de sep. de 2014 8:34
Respuestas · 4
тархи - brain толгой - head тархи толгой - collocation. Depending on the context may mean either, brain or head. тархи толгой гашилгах - idiom. Meaning: to think a lot (in order to find our some solution). толгой эргэх - dizzy, feel dizzy Ганц энэ асуудлыг ойлгох гэж би тархи толгойгоо эргэтэл бодов. Literally: In order to understand this one problem, I thought so much about it that my head got dizzy.
29 de septiembre de 2014
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