Olga from the Volga
True, False or Doesn't Say? Can you please help. Title: Supper clubs - a restaurant at home. Gist: a woman called Cassie is a member of the club and she welcomes guests for dinner at her place once every few weeks. Text extract: "Cassie opens her 'restaurant' for around 12 people about once a month, and is really pleased with the evenings she's had so far. She uses fresh, local ingredients and a typical meal costs about the same as a takeaway - much less than a restaurant meal." Statement: She also serves takeaway food from her restaurant. Note: there is no other part of the text where takeaway or synonyms are mentioned in any way.
22 de oct. de 2014 6:58
Respuestas · 16
I am guessing that you have to say whether the statement is true, false, or whether it can't be determines from the text. Anyhow, the text extract says her meals cost about the same as takeaway, but it doesn't say whether she offers takeaway. She might offer doggie bags for her guests though. It doesn't mention that either but most, if not all, restaurants in America allow you to take leftovers home in a doggie bag and if she is really treating this as a restaurant, then I could logically see her offering that too. Anyhow, we call it "takeout" instead of "takeaway" in my part of the US. For instance, "Do you want to order takeout tonight?"
22 de octubre de 2014
There is a strong implication that this is false. We gather from the text that she 'welcomes guests for dinner at her place'. The fact that these people eat at her home is clearly the key feature of these events. She is basically hosting a paying dinner party. This is very different from running a takeaway restaurant, and you would certainly infer from the text that all the food she makes is eaten around her own table. Even the word 'guests' tells you this. Your 'guests' eat either in your home or at your restaurant. Takeaway outlets have 'customers', not 'guests'. That said, the writer of this test may intend you to take what it says (and doesn't say) extremely literally. If the text doesn't explicitly contradict the statement about takeaway food, then you could presume that the answer is 'doesn't say'. Sometimes test-writers try to play tricks, and sometimes those tricks aren't fair. PS I know this. This is what I do for a living.
22 de octubre de 2014
OK... compare a home-cooked meal to a restaurant meal, and to a takeaway meal. :) The text is very clear about the kind of food Cassie serves at her "restaurant".
22 de octubre de 2014
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