'time is drifting. 'is this expression right? Thanks
23 de oct. de 2014 7:55
Respuestas · 6
I agree with Johnny. 'Time is drifting' sounds very nice, and is a good phrase to use if you want to be poetic. It's an evocative image, suggesting the slow movement of water or snow. It would be fine in a piece of creative writing. Otherwise, it might be better to use a more everyday word such as 'passing'.
23 de octubre de 2014
It could be, depending on the context. Sounds like 'time is moving slowly' to me. We often use the expression, 'time flies' to say that time moves very quickly. 'time is drifting' sounds very poetic.
23 de octubre de 2014
what about "time is flowing"?
23 de octubre de 2014
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