Patri Alv F
how can I say "Yo tuve una infancia movida" in English? I don't know if i can say "Moving childhood" or "Childhood move" if I want to say that in my childhood i had a lot of activites. While I studied, I was in a sport team and I had to travel around my country for competitions. Thanks! )
24 de oct. de 2014 8:52
Respuestas · 1
Hi Patri, I would translate that as 'I've had a very active childhood'. Generally, when you say someone is active you mean it from a physical point of view, meaning they get involved in a lot of sports/dancing/etc as opposed to being sedentary :) Also, if you are talking about traveling a lot you can also say 'I've had a childhood on the run/on the move' by which you mean that you were never rooted in one place and kept changing your location. Hope this helps! Alex
24 de octubre de 2014
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