is it natural? 1.My medicine is put in my room but I am now in another room and on the call or phone call? with my friend. I tell him that hold on, I am going to take my medicine back.---take... back? 2. girls are in period or on period? 3. A girl is suffering from period cramps? 4. After you made a bottle of hot water and want to drink it with cup. you can tell your friend that I am going to pour some hot water into my cup? if so can I just say I am going to pour some water? Thank you for your patience!
24 de oct. de 2014 16:07
Respuestas · 2
1. I'm just going to get my medicine. 2. Girls have their period (If you must know!) 3. If you are talking about the cup, you would probably say 'I'm going to pour in some hot water'.
24 de octubre de 2014
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