Is that true, Russian people drive very crazy? Yesterday I saw some short video clip. And most of them come from Russia. As the videos show, they drive so crazy, and they always stop the car to fight with each other only because of some unimportant things. Then I observed more, I figured out there are even not so many traffic lights on crossing. And most the traffic accidents happened there. I'm not sure if that only because the video maker made them or described them more than reality? I always think our Chinese drivers drive crazy that make me very afraid when I'm driving. But stopping the car to fight and destroying their cars are not so often seen. Of course there are some idiots too. The website even editor the video title like " the nation of fight" " road hater"
26 de oct. de 2014 1:18
Respuestas · 3
Hello everybody! I've lived in Moscow for about 10 years and I 've never ever seen things like that. You know, I would say that Russian drivers are flexible, not crazy, especially in Moscow. Moscow drivers every morning take it as a challenge to get to the job in time through huge traffic jam:))
26 de octubre de 2014
I live in Russia my whole life and I've seen a road fight only for once. I can absolutely assure you it's not a common thing. Of course, in every country there are some crazy people but most of Russian drivers don't want to start a road fight. There's no need to do this. Furthermore, I've heard from Russian people who have been in China that Chinese drivers are truly crazy and it's very scary to drive there. We don't drive like your country's drivers do, its shocking for us. Keep in mind that most of the YouTube videos are made for fun. You can also find a lot of videos with Russians drinking vodka everyday but it's not true. We live in a city and we do the same stuff people in Europe do. We don't have bears walking on the streets, we don't drink much and we drive safely.
26 de octubre de 2014
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