How to say in Turkish How can i ask these questions: What is the opposite of "uzun" ? How to say "Avcillar" in Turkish ? How to write "iyimser" in Turkish ? Can you write "Bedava" on the board ! What is the meaning of "Bardak" in English ? How to congratulate a person for his wedding ? Would you like to go for a drink or coffee !! my treat of course !! ^_^ What is the color of this shirt in Turkish ? thanks
3 de nov. de 2014 19:34
Respuestas · 4
the opposite of uzun: kısa Avcılar ( one l and not i, right on ı) iyimser is right. bedava bardak: glass wedding: tebrikler!, it is very special expression in Turkish: Allah bir yastıkta kocatsın (God ages you in one pillow
3 de noviembre de 2014
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