How to say these phrases in Korean? ^^ Hello :) I really want to know (for future reference) how to say the following in korean: would like these sentences to be informal :) 1) Do you think life if easy? 2) Do you think this (e.g. credit card) will solve all your problems
21 de nov. de 2014 22:21
Respuestas · 2
Hi Polly, 1) Do you think life is easy? =인생이 쉽다고 생각하니? 1-1) Did you think life would be easy? =인생이 쉬울거라고 생각했니? 1-2) Did you expect life would be easy? =인생이 쉬울거라고 기대했니? 2) Do you think this (e.g. credit card) will solve all your problems? =이게(신용카드) 네 모든 문제를 해결해 줄거라고 생각하니? Hope it helps,
21 de noviembre de 2014
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