Cuál es correcto? Qué bueno que vamos a la granja? O... Qué bueno que vayamos a la granja?
23 de nov. de 2014 0:24
Respuestas · 6
From my point of view... the first one is the correct one... Qué bueno que vamos a la granja = It is really good that we are going to the farm. (Meaning "we are going now" or "we will go in the following days"). The second seems incorrect to me because the verb is in subjunctive, you would have to express this idea differently. ¿No te parece bueno que vayamos a la granja? = Do you not think it is a good idea that we go to the farm? If you start with the exclamation "qué" (similar to "what a" in English) you can continue with a verb in indicative (present, past or future) or in conditional. Qué bueno que compré el auto = it is a good thing that I bought the car. Qué bueno que compro el auto hoy y no mañana = it is a good thing that I am buying the car today and not tomorrow. Qué bueno que compraré el auto = it is a good thing that I will buy the car. Qué bueno compraría el auto y no un computador = it is a good thing that I would buy the car and not a computer. Using a verb in subjuntive form sounds unnatural to me, it would be as saying in English: Qué bueno que supiéramos las respuestas. How good it is that we would have the answers. Having said that... many native speakers will use this structure with a verb in subjuntive which leads to the belief that it is correct to use it. I hope this answers your question.
23 de noviembre de 2014
Yo usaría ambas. Las dos suenan bien. Otra opción mas sería: - Que bueno que vamos a ir a la granja! - Que bueno que iremos a la granja. Saludos!
23 de noviembre de 2014
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