Any tv programme for improve my english? The last week I saw all the episodes from MY MAD FAT DIARY an English tv programme and that made me improve a lot! So, does anyone know about one tv programme for improve my english?
26 de nov. de 2014 21:47
Respuestas · 4
I always find watching cartoons to help train your ears for your target language. You'll find the language in cartoons to be much simpler and easy to understand. A few good cartoon shows : Spongebob Squarepants, Phineas and Ferb, etc Actual TV Shows: Friends, How I Met Your Mother, The Vampire Diaries
26 de noviembre de 2014
Este contenido infringe las normas de la comunidad.
1 de junio de 2021
I'd recommend Frasier :)
27 de noviembre de 2014
Watch 'Friends' ,The humor and characters are pretty basic, you can understand the main ideas even if you struggle with the language. Plus, there are lots of seasons/ episodes!
26 de noviembre de 2014
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